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适用科目:《大学英语B》 试卷号:100

[英译汉] 1. Trees need water to grow.
[英译汉] 2. How are you doing these days?
[英译汉] 3. Are you fond of music?
[英译汉] 4. What kind of life do most people enjoy?
[英译汉] 5. When were the Olympic Games founded?
[英译汉] 6. He stopped to smoke.
[英译汉] 7. The doctor had no choice but reach out to their colleagues across the nation.
[英译汉] 8. The cause of the fire was carelessness.
[英译汉] 9. I am very familiar with his name.
[英译汉] 10. As is known to all, China is the largest developing country in the world.
[英译汉] 11. Both Ann and Mary are suitable for the job.
[英译汉] 12. She is used to living in the countryside.
[英译汉] 13. I look forward to hearing from you.
[英译汉] 14. Open the window and let the fresh air in.
[英译汉] 15. They thought that there must be something wrong with their TV set.
[英译汉] 16. In no other country in the world can you find such plants as this one.
[英译汉] 17. I rang your house last night but your mother answered the phone.
[英译汉] 18. Riding bicycles can save energy.
[英译汉] 19. He has a foreign friend who lives in the United States.
[英译汉] 20. Life is meaningless without a purpose.
[英译汉] 21. This new country hopes to establish friendly relations with all its neighbours.
[英译汉] 22. This is the most wonderful day of my life, because I'm here with you now.
[英译汉] 23. The earth on which we live is shaped like a ball.
[英译汉] 24. When I was young, I'd listen to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs.
[英译汉] 25. I came back because of the rain.
[英译汉] 26. We should make best use of time.
[英译汉] 27. Do you have access to the Internet?
[英译汉] 28. Can you express yourself clearly in English?
[英译汉] 29. He keeps looking at himself in the mirror.
[英译汉] 30. He is always making excuses for being late.
[写作题] 1. A Day to Remember1.回忆值得记忆的一天;2.说明为什么值得记忆。
[写作题] 2. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone【1.手机的好处;2.手机带来的问题。】
[写作题] 3. Health and Eating Habits1.健康和饮食习惯的关系;2.你的看法以及理由。
[写作题] 4. How to Overcome Difficulties in My English Studies1.你在英语学习中遇到什么困难;2.你如何克服这些困难。
[写作题] 5. Introducing Myself1.介绍自己的一般情况;2.简述自己的喜好。
[写作题] 6. Living in a Big City1.住在大城市的优点;2.住在大城市的缺点。
[写作题] 7. My Dream1.你的梦想是什么;2.如何实现你的梦想。
[写作题] 8. My Favorite Season最喜欢的季节【1.说明自己最喜欢的季节;2.陈述喜欢这一季节的原因,可以描写这一季节的景色,或是记述在这一季节最让人难忘的经历。】
[写作题] 9. My Hobbies1.介绍你的主要爱好;2.喜欢其中一项爱好的理由。
[写作题] 10. My Teacher1.介绍你的一位老师;2.喜欢这位老师的理由。
[写作题] 11. Parents Are the Best Teachers内容需包括以下方面:1.你对“父母是最好的老师”的看法;2.举例说明你的观点。
[写作题] 12. Should the University Campus be Open to Tourists? 内容提示:1.校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同,说明你的观点;2.阐述你的理由。
[写作题] 13. The Computer1.计算机的用途;2.计算机给人们生活带来的变化。
[写作题] 14. The Way to Success内容需包括以下方面:1. 你认为成功的要素有哪些;2. 举例说明你的观点。
[写作题] 15. Why Do Students Learn English?1.英语在当今社会中的作用;2.学生学习英语的必要性。
[写作题] 16. An Unforgettable Day【 1.难忘的一天是某年某月某日; 2.为什么这一天是难忘的一天; 3.这一天给你生活工作带来的影响。】
[写作题] 17. My Favorite Course1.我最喜欢的课程;2.喜欢的原因。
[写作题] 18. Plant More Trees1. 树是一种重要的自然资源;2. 树有利于环境的改善;3. 让我们多种树。
[写作题] 19. Choosing a Job【 1. 别人选择工作时的考虑; 2. 自己在选择工作时考虑的因素; 3. 为什么自己是这样考虑的。】
[写作题] 20. My Favorite Form of Entertainment1.现代人越来越重视娱乐;2.娱乐方式丰富多彩,而我最喜欢的是……3.我选择的原因。
[写作题] 21. Money is Not Everything.1.你对“金钱不是一切”的看法;2.举例说明你的看法。
[写作题] 22. Honesty is the Best Policy. (诚实乃上策。)1.你对“诚实乃上策”的看法;2.举例说明你的观点。
[写作题] 23. Failure is the Mother of Success. (失败乃成功之母。) 【1.你对“失败乃成功之母”的看法; 2.举例说明你的看法。】
[写作题] 24. My Favorite Food(我最喜欢的食物)【1.你特别喜欢的食物; 2.你喜欢的理由。】
[写作题] 25. Newspapers(1.介绍你熟悉的主要报纸; 2.你喜欢看的报纸以及理由。)
[写作题] 26. My Teacher in High School(1.介绍你的一位中学老师; 2.说明为什么这位老师受学生欢迎。)
[写作题] 27. My Family(1.介绍家庭主要成员; 2.描述令你难忘的家庭活动。)
[写作题] 28. Is Stress a Bad Thing?(1.你对压力的看法; 2.阐述你的理由。)
[写作题] 29. Physical Exercise(体育锻炼)【1.从事体育运动有哪些好处; 2.你常做的体育运动。】
[写作题] 30. My View on Luck(关于运气)【1.一些人把成功归于运气; 2.另一些人把运气看作是努力的结果; 3.我的看法。】
[交际用语] 1. —Could I borrow your car for a few days?—() 
[交际用语] 2. —Could you say it again, please?—().
[交际用语] 3. —How was your trip to London, Jane? —() 
[交际用语] 4. —I'm sorry. Bob is not in his office.—()?
[交际用语] 5. —Hello. May 1 speak to Jim, please?—().
[交际用语] 6. —How can I get to the cinema?—() 
[交际用语] 7. —Please help yourself to the seafood.—() 
[交际用语] 8. —Must I take a taxi? —No, you () . You can take my car.
[交际用语] 9. —Excuse me, can I smoke here?—().
[交际用语] 10. —It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?—() 
[交际用语] 11. —Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest.—() 
[交际用语] 12. —Could you help me with my physics, please?—() 
[交际用语] 13. —How much is this necklace?—() 
[交际用语] 14. —What does Tom's wife do for a living?—()
[交际用语] 15. —I'm sorry I broke your mirror.—Oh, really? ().
[交际用语] 16. —Thanks for your help. —()
[交际用语] 17. —Hello, I'm Harry Potter. —Hello, my name is Charles Green, but ().
[交际用语] 18. —What's wrong with you, dear?—() 
[交际用语] 19. —How are you, Bob? —()
[交际用语] 20. —()?—He's a tall man with short hair.
[交际用语] 21. —You speak English well.—().
[交际用语] 22. —I'm going to the English evening now.—().
[交际用语] 23. —Hi, Tom, how's everything with you? —(), and how are you?
[交际用语] 24. —Shall we hold a party this Saturday evening?—(). 
[交际用语] 25. —Don't worry. I'll leave the message on his desk.—().
[交际用语] 26. —Could you finish the task in two days? —().I have something else to do these days. 
[交际用语] 27. —Ben, would you like to play football with us?—(), but I have to wash the dishes first. 
[交际用语] 28. —How good the news is for you!—().
[交际用语] 29. —Could I get you something to drink?—(). I'm thirsty.
[交际用语] 30. —I'll fly to Shanghai on business next Friday.—()
[词汇与语法] 1. () she survived the accident is miracle.
[词汇与语法] 2. C.ould you tell us ()her aunt will stay here?
[词汇与语法] 3. If Mary ()shopping this afternoon, please ask her to write a shopping list first.
[词汇与语法] 4. If the doctor had been available, the child ().
[词汇与语法] 5. Jane likes singing. We often hear her ()after class.
[词汇与语法] 6. Let's ()friends, shall we? 
[词汇与语法] 7. His mother ()alone since his father died.
[词汇与语法] 8. I am not used to speaking () public.
[词汇与语法] 9. I forgot to return the book to you yesterday. So I ()today.
[词汇与语法] 10. I look forward to ()from you.
[词汇与语法] 11. The boy is not happy at the new school. He has () friends there.
[词汇与语法] 12. The boys enjoyed ()football very much.
[词汇与语法] 13. She is not only my classmate () also my good friend.
[词汇与语法] 14. He asked the waiter () the bill.
[词汇与语法] 15. Miss Wang wanted to know ()for the film.
[词汇与语法] 16. My brother Tim is ()sports.
[词汇与语法] 17. I fell and hurt myself while I () basketball yesterday.
[词汇与语法] 18. The students ()a good rest last weekend. They were preparing for the test.
[词汇与语法] 19. We’ve missed the last bus. I’m afraid we have no () but to take a taxi.
[词汇与语法] 20. You've caught a cold. You'd better ()to school.
[词汇与语法] 21. The teacher asked all the students in the class to keep their eyes () for 5 seconds. 
[词汇与语法] 22. () you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight.
[词汇与语法] 23. She had ()to do, so she was free.
[词汇与语法] 24. ()there any good news in today's newspaper? 
[词汇与语法] 25. He () lives in the house where he was born.
[词汇与语法] 26. A: Must we finish the work right now?B.: No, you ( ). You can do it tomorrow.
[词汇与语法] 27. () you know, David has been well lately.
[词汇与语法] 28. I won’t make the () mistake next time.
[词汇与语法] 29. It's reported that a new hospital ()here next year.
[词汇与语法] 30. These desks and chairs ()to the children in the mountain villages next week.
[阅读理解(单选)] 1. A characteristic of American
[阅读理解(单选)] 2. How men first learnt to invent
[阅读理解(单选)] 3. In the United States, it is not customary
[阅读理解(单选)] 4. Many people who worh
[阅读理解(单选)] 5. Morgan Rees has always been a good
[阅读理解(单选)] 6. Mr. Tom Forester lived by himself
[阅读理解(单选)] 7. Once James Thornhill
[阅读理解(单选)] 8. One day a bookseller(书商)
[阅读理解(单选)] 9. Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness
[阅读理解(单选)] 10. The residents of 24 Acacia Grove
[阅读理解(单选)] 11. There are three kinds of goals: short-term
[阅读理解(单选)] 12. Today Newton is a very clean place
[阅读理解(单选)] 13. What makes a person a scientist?
[阅读理解(单选)] 14. When I was a little girl,
[阅读理解(单选)] 15. When John and Victoria Falls arrived
[阅读理解(单选)] 16. Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it,
[阅读理解(单选)] 17. There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals.
[阅读理解(单选)] 18. One day a bookseller(书商)let a big box of books fall on his foot.
[阅读理解(单选)] 19. In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning.
[阅读理解(单选)] 20. Today Newton is a very clean place.
[阅读理解(单选)] 21. Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people.
[阅读理解(判断)] 1. The small black ants that we see running
[阅读理解(判断)] 2. Dear Mrs. Huggett, 
[阅读理解(判断)] 3. We are busy talking about and using the Internet,
[阅读理解(判断)] 4. A man once had a dream about the Black Forest
[阅读理解(判断)] 5. I've loved my mother's desk since I was just tall
[阅读理解(判断)] 6. The ideal teacher may be young or old, 
[阅读理解(判断)] 7. A taxi hit a truck. A policeman spoke 
[阅读理解(判断)] 8. Dick lived in England. One day in January
[阅读理解(判断)] 9. After having lived for over twenty years in the
[阅读理解(判断)] 10. Almost everyone in the
[阅读理解(判断)] 11. Have you ever felt your mind getting confused
[阅读理解(判断)] 12. Ramon was very proud of his dog Blackie. 
[阅读理解(判断)] 13. One day in 1965, when I was a library worker at school, 
[阅读理解(判断)] 14. A very old lady won
[阅读理解(判断)] 15. Americans, like many peopl
[阅读理解(判断)] 16. A group of frogs were
[阅读理解(判断)] 17. One day a man and his daughter were
[阅读理解(判断)] 18. A traveler came out of
[阅读理解(判断)] 19. Paul, a salesman from London, was driving past
[阅读理解(判断)] 20. Americans with small families own a small
[阅读理解(判断)] 21. Many teenagers feel that the most important
[阅读理解(判断)] 22. When a man and a woman get married, 
[阅读理解(判断)] 23. The market is a concept. If you are growing
[阅读理解(判断)] 24. Has a doctor ever given
[阅读理解(判断)] 25. Some British and American people like
[阅读理解(判断)] 26. Everyone knows what
[阅读理解(判断)] 27. Background music may seem
[阅读理解(判断)] 28. On a cold winter afternoon, I was walking home
[阅读理解(判断)] 29. An old man was going home late one night
[阅读理解(判断)] 30. In 1626, Manhattan Island was purch